Dogs - Prescription Diet
We know your dog is a part of our family, So everything Nufresh sources are 100 % human grade and we guarantee all meat sources are from overseas. Every Meat we source, we requested the proof of its origin and the imported license to ensure the quality. On the other hand, we have a constant bacteria check with Intertek to ensure every food is up to the highest standard.
NuFresh prescription diet provides variations of prescription diet according to different nutrition needs of dogs with certain diseases, all meals consist of food amount well calculated by nutritionist and consist various beneficials, your dog will certainly lick the bowl clean with our meal!
Prescription Diet are solely designed for dogs with certain prescription needs. We strongly recommend you to fill in your dog's profile and seek advice from your vet before shopping.
If your dog(s) are in healthy condition, you should look for Fresh Diet.
Don't know how much to feed? Read our feeding guidelines!

Lower level of fat content, suitable for dogs who had a history of pancreatitis (If dogs are currently suffering from pancreatitis, please use the diet for pancreatitis)
Lower Level of Phosphorus. Dogs with kidney Diseases cannot eliminate phosphorus in their urine and it causes the kidneys to steal calcium from the body’s bone in order to bring the amount of Calcium and Phosphorus in the balance
High -quality of protein but in smaller quantities reduces demand on the kidneys, relieves hypertension and lightly applies the brakes to the progression of renal diseases
Sodium reduction assists in relieving hypertension, but enough sodium must be supplied to help bring water through the kidneys.
Magnesium is kept close to the normal recommended daily allowance to prevent calcium crystallization and formation of kidney stones
[Cooked] Prescription Diet
Diet for Kidney Disease(Beef)

Beef - Good source of protein, vitamins and minerals.
Potatoes - Energy source for maintenance
Tomato - Excellent source of lycopene which help against cancer and degenerative diseases
Broccoli - Contains photo-nutrients and anti-oxidant vitamins
Pumpkin Puree - Fiber, Vitamin A, decrease risk of heart diseases and obesity
Walnut Oil - Omega 3 and 9 fatty Acid
Salmon Oil - Omega 3 Fatty Acid
NuFresh Nutrient mix - Vitamin and minerals formulated by Vets specialist

This recipe is only for dogs that is suffering from renal failure.
This diet is not appropriate for growing puppies, or pregnant/lactating bitches
Lower Level of Phosphorus. Dogs with renal failure cannot eliminate Phosphorus in their urine and it causes the kidneys to absorb Calcium from the its bone in order to bring the amount of Calcium and Phosphorus in balance
High -quality of protein but in smaller quantities reduces demand on the kidneys, relieves hypertension and lightly applies the brakes to the progression of renal diseases
Sodium reduction assists in relieving hypertension, but enough sodium must be supplied to help bring water through the kidneys.
Magnesium is kept close to the normal recommended daily allowance to prevent Calcium crystallization and formation of kidney stones
[Cooked] Prescription Diet
Diet for Kidney Disease (Chicken)

Chicken Breast - Good source of protein, vitamins and minerals
Sweet Potato - Rich in beta-carotene, which helps your dog vision and muscle strength
Carrot - Excellent source of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber, among other vitamins
Apples - Complete with dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants
Broccoli - Contains photo-nutrients and anti-oxidant vitamins
Walnut Oil - Omega 3 and 9 fatty Acid
Salmon Oil - Omega 3 Fatty Acid
NuFresh Nutrient mix - Vitamin and minerals formulated by Vets specialist

This recipe is only for dogs that is suffering from pancreatitis or hyperlipidemina.
This diet is not appropriate for growing puppies, or pregnant/lactating bitches
Very low fat levels with around 20 grams per 1000 kcal
Moderate protein levels as free amino acids can be a strong stimulus for pancreatic secretion, usual protein range 70-80 grams/ 1000 kcal
Increased digestibility with cooked vegetables rather than raw
[Cooked] Prescription Diet
Diet for Pancreatitis

Chicken Breast - Good source of protein, vitamins and minerals
Brown Rice - Rich in Fiber, Selenium, Manganese and other anti-oxidant
White Mushroom - Rich in Vitamin B2, B5 and other antioxidant that fight chronic diseases
Apples - Complete with dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants
Broccoli - Contains photo-nutrients and anti-oxidant vitamins
Safflower Oil - Omega 6 fatty Acid
Salmon Oil - Omega 3 Fatty Acid
NuFresh Nutrient Mix - Specially formulated by Vets specialist

Not suitable for dogs who has pancreatitis or hyperlipidemia
May develop diarrhea, suggest a transaction meal that takes up to two weeks
This recipe is only for dogs that is suffering from cancer
Limiting the supply of simple carbohydrates in the diet cuts off cancer’s energy supply. Thus, This diet is very low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein , and very high in fat that has a fairly specific fatty acid profile.
The digestible carbohydrate level is extremely low- 1.6 % by weight. The n-6 :n-3 ratio is very low at 2:1 to reduce inflammatory .
Vitamin A is a retinoid, a class of chemical compounds that help to control the growth of cancer. Broccoli, carrots ,cauliflower and other vegetables are all high in vitamin A. The vegetables contain phyto-nutrients such as glucosinolates that may have anticancer effects
As the diet contains high fat content, the daily feeding recommendation should be around half as much as usual dog food.
[Cooked] Prescription Diet
Diet for Cancer

Chicken Thighs - Good source of protein, vitamins and minerals
Carrot - Excellent source of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber, among other vitamins
Bok Choi - Complete with dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants
Cauliflower - Anti-inflammatory, fight cancer, boost brain health and detoxification support
Broccoli - Contains photo-nutrients and anit-oxidant vitamins
Coconut Oil - Reduce inflammatory and boost immune system
Salmon Oil - Omega 3 Fatty Acid
NuFresh Nutrient mix - Vitamin and minerals formulated by Vets specialist

This recipe is only for dogs that is suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Hyperlipidemina.
This diet is not appropriate for growing puppies, or pregnant/lactating bitches
Limited-ingredient recipe utilizes novel ingredients to address the potential food hypersensitivity that may exist as a cause or sequel to inflammatory bowel disease.
Low in fat because a substantial number of inflammatory bowel cases are complicated by a syndrome called Lymphangiectasia, which results in fat ‘clogging’ the channels that facilitate fat absorption from the gut.
[Cooked] Prescription Diet
Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Alligator - Contains good source of protein, unsaturated fats and minerals
Tapioca - Rich in fiber and minerals
Pumpkin Puree - Fiber, Vitamin A, decrease risk of heart diseases and obesity
Coconut Oil - Reduce inflammatory and boost immune system
Walnut Oil - Omega 3 and 9 fatty Acid
NuFresh Nutrient mix - Vitamin and minerals formulated by Vets specialist